
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Shot disabled mother on temple and the whole family died!

Ubqari Magazine - October 2015

Later, when it was time to give bath to the dead body, that strange woman appeared again in the room where they arranged to bathe the body. She told all the women to leave and said that she herself would bathe the body.

Instant punishment for killing mother:

Last year, when the situation worsened in Khayber Agency due to terrorists, thousands of peaceful citizens migrated to other areas of the country. Among them was a regrettable family who also emigrated looking for some peaceful place. Mountain paths are extremely difficult. This family consisted of a few people, along with their old, disable blind mother who was being lifted turn by turn by her family members. Her young ill-fated son was also a part of that caravan who had to take care of his blind mother more than others. After covering a few miles he got tired of serving his mother. First he thought of leaving her alone so that she would die there in distress. The next moment he took out his pistol and shot on his mother’s temple. The old, handicapped blind mother took a sigh and died there. The ill-fated son did not even give her shroud and pushed her down the mountain into ditch. He then accompanied the caravan with complete satisfaction. In that caravan, his wife with two children was riding a mule. While a little distance was covered, the mule slipped and fell into a ditch along with his wife and children where his children and wife died yearning in front of his eyes. He could do nothing except for standing there and crying. This is how Allah punished an ill-fated son for killing his mother.

      Immediate punishment for debt and backbiting: It’s a recent incident that happened in our province’s village (the name has not been mentioned intentionally) with a family. A woman died in that family. Traditionally women from their neighborhoods started coming to see the deceased. Suddenly a strange veiled-woman appeared; she put her face on the dead woman’s face, just as a grieved relative lays her head on the deceased and cries. She remained in the same posture for long, other women tried to separate her from the body but they could not move her. Eventually, the men of the house were called for help but they also failed. At last Imam Masjid was called who recited some Quranic verses. The veiled-woman separated from the dead body but her nose and part of her face was eaten by that woman. After being separated from the body, that strange woman disappeared. Later, when it was time to give bath to the dead body, that strange woman appeared again in the room where they arranged to bathe the body. She told all the women to leave and said that she herself would bathe the body. All the women were afraid because of the previous incident so they left the room quickly out of fear. Giving the bath to the deceased took much longer than expected. The women knocked at the door but it was not opened. Once again, the men of the family were called who broke the door with some weapon. Going inside they saw that only the skeleton of the dead woman remained there and the veiled-woman had disappeared. Quickly they arranged for the funeral and took the deceased to the graveyard. A horrifying earthquake took place around her grave. People were so bewildered; they kept reciting Astaghfar [space for Arabic text]. Finally, she was buried in such shameful condition. Upon asking about her deeds, it was told that though she strictly observed Saum and Salat but interest and backbiting were her favorite hobbies. May Allah protect us from such humiliated death and bless us with the strength of following the orders of Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet ﷺ. Amen. (Farman Ali, Peshawar)

      Father’s voluptuous nature and disobedient children: Respected Hakim Sahib, As Salam Alaikum! I was only seventeen when I got married to my cousin. My husband’s character was not good. He was in relationship with other women and he even used to bring women to our bedroom and I had to sleep outside for the whole night. He beat me in front of the entire neighborhood, abused me every time, used to drink every day and brought new women every week. I was used to cry for the whole night in front of my own room. For him, there was no distinction between lawful and unlawful. Whoever wanted to insult my family, they did it through my husband. Time passed gradually and Allah blessed me with three children, one daughter and two sons. My husband did not mend his ways even after having children. He often brought women, drank alcohol and smoked in front of the children even when they were growing up.  It resulted in the way that my daughter who is now nineteen, made friendship with a boy three years ago and she also had a cell phone with her. When I came to know this, I beat her a lot and snatched her mobile. But she did not stop; time and again she was caught having mobiles. I made her stay home after doing FA. But she still does not stop, though she does not go out but keeps contact with different boys on phone. She says they are her friends. My son is seventeen years old, he annoys me a lot. Two to three times he fled away from studies. Some time ago my two gold bangles were lost, later I came to know that he used them for carousing with his friends. He admitted when my brother caught my son and his friends through police. They told that they are also addicted to alcohol and shisha. My son is in relationship with corrupt girls. Can you imagine the intensity of grief a mother is going through? My son abuses us and is extremely bad mannered. He has girlfriends and he smokes in the home. There is no difference between the youth of both father and son. Since my husband has grown old, he has left those evil deeds. He often cries before me, I tell him that whatever he is reaping now is what he had sown!!! (An unfortunate mother)


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